Hello Albert,
problem appear on server side, so logs from server host will be more helpful. You can locate them at /usr/NX/var/log/ directory as nxserver.log and nxerror.log
You should enable debug in node and server configurations files first.
Those files are available at: /usr/NX/etc directory and its filenames are: server.cfg and node.cfg.
Please set SessionLogLevel key to value 7 and uncomment it. Check the following article here for more details: https://www.nomachine.com/DT07M00098
After enable debug please restart nxserver (sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –restart), reproduce problem and send to us logs at forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
You can archive whole logs directory using: sudo tar -zcvf nomachineLog.tar.gz /usr/NX/var/log