Explain “Machines” icons, please?

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  • #48190

    In the NoMachine application window, I am puzzled by dual entries for some accessible client machines.

    The two icons appear to be the “NoMachine” logo, and the “Ports” logo.

    The same Mac appears twice, first named “Mac.nxs” and second named with a lengthy UUID alpha sequence.

    The first is subtitled “Direct connection over the internet” and the second is subtitled “Located through local discovery service”. I have not set up any port forwarding (yet), so internet connection is not true.

    Can someone point me to an explanation of this setup?


    Hi, I’m not sure whether you’re asking about the labels or why you are seeing two connection icons. So I’ll try to be comprehensive in my answer 🙂

    The pipe icon (located through local discovery) represents computers which are found on the same LAN. You can turn this off if you don’t want your server machines to advertize themselves on the LAN. See more about this here:


    You can also turn off LAN computers from being shown in your local Player if you want as well, this is also explained in the above tutorial. It has a label (in the edit panel) which explains what it is: “Located through local discovery service”.

    The other icon (!M) represents an nxs file, i.e a connection you created manually. It shows when you create a connection to that computer using the “Add” button or if you input the IP address in the ‘Search’ field. This connection file can also be from previous installations as it is stored in the .nx/cache folder.

    Regular nxs connections can be used to connect to any NoMachine server whether it’s on a LAN or over the Internet. The labels you see are not dynamic. They don’t change on the basis of whether you have enabled port-forwarding or not. They are used to distinguish the difference between the types of connection: one for local discovery hosts, the other for direct connections (which for the majority of users that we have had feedback from “over the internet” clarifies the difference between the two).

    Can you reattach your image? (don’t paste it in)


    Thank you, very clear and helpful.

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