Failed to run ‘/usr/NX/bin/nxkeygen’

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Failed to run ‘/usr/NX/bin/nxkeygen’

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  • #15664

    During install of free version NoMachine_5.3.10_6_x86_64.rpm on a new Linux server I received the following error:

    NX> 700 Updated key: AvailableSessionTypes=”unix-remote,unix-console,unix-default,unix-application,physical-desktop,shadow,unix-xsession-default,unix-gnome,unix-xdm”.

    NX> 700 Running: NX_SYSTEM=/usr/NX                     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=’/usr/NX/lib:/usr/NX/lib:’                         ‘/usr/NX/bin/nxkeygen’ -k ‘/usr/NX/etc/keys/host/nx_host_rsa_key’ -c ‘/usr/NX/etc/keys/host/nx_host_rsa_key.crt’.

    NX> 700 Failed to run ‘/usr/NX/bin/nxkeygen’.

    The nxclient and nxnode portions of the install log show no issues.  Only this cert issue in the nxserver part of the install log.


    When I try to run the keygen command manually I get the following error:

    46944 46944 12:35:23 597.665 Encryptable/Encryptable: ERROR! Failed to add new x509 name entry context [B].

    Error: Failed to add new x509 name entry context [B].

    46944 46944 12:35:23 597.769 Encryptable/Encryptable: Error is 25, ‘Inappropriate ioctl for device’.

    Error: Error is 25, ‘Inappropriate ioctl for device’.

    46944 46944 12:35:23 597.813 Main: ERROR! Failed to generate certificate.


    I verified the target directory /usr/NX/etc/keys/host/ exists.  It is owned by nx:root with perms 755.

    The server is freshly imaged this week using 64-bit Oracle Linux 6.9 with UEK4 kernel.

    # cat /etc/oracle-release

    Oracle Linux Server release 6.9

    # uname -r


    I successfully installed the same NoMachine software on another server as a test, and it works great.


    We’ve tested 5.3.10 with Oracle Linux 6.9 and don’t have any problems with keygen. It could be a problem with passing the hostname. I don’t know what the name of your host is (are you able to tell us, you can send us privately if you prefer and we can investigate in our labs) but could you try renaming the host to something generic like ‘remi-computer’. Then uninstall completely and reinstall and try to connect again?

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