How to create desktop icon with terminal command option

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / How to create desktop icon with terminal command option

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  • #29024

    Hello everyone,
    I’m in need to create desktop icon for a remote server shell script in my desktop.
    I did it in previous version by setting the icon properties with ssh command. (PFA screenshot)

    /usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e ssh hostname ‘bash -s’ < /opt/lixoft/MonolixSuite2019R2/bin/

    But this does not work anymore, can someone please suggest how to set this?

    Gnome Version 3.20.2
    Base System – SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 64-bit


    How this is related to NoMachine, I’m not sure.

    You have a remote MonolixSuite and you want a shortcut on the desktop there, which was there in the past and now when you connect it’s not there?

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