How to delete a group of nodes

Forum / NoMachine Cloud Server Products / How to delete a group of nodes

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  • #52306


    I’m testing how to delete a group of nodes.

    I’ve identified 2 steps:

    1. Delete all profile rules of the group of nodes to delete

    $ sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –ruledel –node-group  Nodes_Group_01

    gives error:

    NX> 500 ERROR: Invalid command: ‘–ruledel –node-group   Nodes_Group_01’


    2. Delete the group of nodes

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –nodegroupdel Nodes_Group_01


    Step 1 is mandatory because you can delete the group of nodes only if no profile rules are set for that group else it gives error:

    NX> 900 Removing node group ‘ Nodes_Group_01’.

    NX> 500 ERROR: Cannot remove node group.

    NX> 500 ERROR: Profile rules are associated with this node group

    So I’m stuck ! 🙁

    $ sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –rulelist

    gives (abstract, lines with “Nodes_Group_01” ) :

    Class       Type                        Value Apply to:

    ———– ————————— —– ———————-

    node       Nodes_Group_01               no    NX system

    node       Nodes_Group_01               yes   USERS_GROUP_01 (group)


    Could you help me, please ?




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