How to solve slow response connecting to headless (no monitor) Raspberry Pi

Forum / NoMachine for Raspberry Pi / How to solve slow response connecting to headless (no monitor) Raspberry Pi

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  • #36199


    It’s not a question, it’s directly a solution.

    I’m setting up new Arm64 RaspiOs (beta) with latest 5.10.y-78 kernel.

    Testing on RPI4 and RPI3B+


    While monitor is connected and i boot system, all works fine (at least with 128mb or more of GPU).

    But when i boot without monitor attached remote GUI connection is almost unusable.

    Tried different workarounds:

    • Setting up: xserver-xorg-video-dummy (not good if monitor sometimes is attached sometimes not)
    • sudo service lightdm stop
      sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –restart

    But here is my top solution:

    #Open configs
    sudo nano /boot/config.txt
    #Disable Hardware acceleration (may be useful only if you are sure to have always monitor attached)

    #Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

    #Save and exit
    sudo reboot now


    After this all works perfectly with or without monitor attached

    Also you may want to set defaut screen size in config.txt like:

    # uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display’s size minus
    # overscan.


    Hope it will be useful to someone in future.


    Thanks for submitting this to our forums! Other RPi users could find it extremely useful 🙂

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