How to specify xorg.conf settings headless mode?

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  • #22557

    Using headless mode (systemctl set-default = no 3d, fps is crap, things don’t render well

    Using monitor plugged in and loading GUI (systemctl set-default = 3d, fps is fine – though it does stutter a bit, things render fine no random blackness covering things

    So how do i get the same x11 session going in headless vs monitor-connected mode? I am hoping not drawing things twice will remove the stutter.

    I know things are different as Cinnamon says “in software rendering mode” on headless and it doesn’t say that when I connect with the monitor “plugged in”.

    With the attached xorg.conf file – when running in headless mode and using startx from the console I get 3d.




    VMWare Workstation 15 Pro

    Debian 10 Buster Cinnamon (Server) / Windows 10 (Client)

    NoMachine 6.7.6 (server/client) – Free


    Did you try to run with, placing your xorg.conf in /etc/X11, even when no display is connected?

    If Xorg refuses to work correctly, you can simulate the presence of a monitor using a physical dummy display plug.
    Otherwise dump EDID from the real display and force it in xorg.conf, but I’m afraid this latter could damage a monitor of different kind if accidentally attached.


    Being Vmware – not sure I can actually “unplug the monitor” – best I can do is “run in the background” when I close the vmware window.

    I was hoping I could get the xorg config that runs in “physical display” (realised after reading more these are the proper NoMachine terms: physical/virtual) mode into the “virtual mode” that NoMachine spawns.

    I don’t really understand what is happening, so I don’t know what to search for to figure this out.

    I mean the current setup of “connect NoMachine to physical display with VMWare in the background” is pretty identical to just using VMWare directly – I just find interacting with the NoMachine client window works nicer than the VMWare window…

    If what I want to do is not possible that’s fine (specify the xorg settings in NoMachine’s virtual display mode).


    This is what happened: in NoMachine shares the existing Xorg display. In it creates a new virtual display on demand. The NoMachine virtual display does not rely on graphical hardware and just ignores xorg.conf.

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