I can’t connect to NoMachine over the internet

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / I can’t connect to NoMachine over the internet

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  • #16384

    I am planning a trip where I desperately need to administer my Linux pc remotely using a Windows 10 pc and can no longer get it to work.  It worked in the past but I have since reinstalled my OS (Linux Mint based on Ubuntu) and my cable modem/router. It works great between the PCs on my local network.  Running free version 5.3.12 on all machines.

    I know my external ip, which is also confirmed from the NoMachine GUIs. I’m using the port also shown by the GUIs. I have tried with upnp enabled on my router and EnableUPnP NX set in server.cfg.  I have also tried with EnableUPnP none set and turning off upnp on my router and forwarding ports and even setting my host machine to DMZ as a test. In my various testing I sometimes get the error of connection timed out but usually connection refused.

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Can you verify – for example on site whatismyip[dot]com – if IP from NoMachine GUI is your external IP? For “connection refused” issues you should refer article: https://www.nomachine.com/AR09O00937.

    We need to take a look on logs to see where is the problem. Please enable UPnP again and enable debug on server side as well (https://www.nomachine.com/DT07M00098#1). Restart nxserver (sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart) and execute command sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --upnpmap. Logs from server side send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Please attach also output of the command sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --upnpstatusand information about your router model.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.