Identical keycode 49 sent to NX server for different keys on my keyboard

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  • #52402

    I’m using NoMachine on Mac with a Germany keyboard layout
    Key code app reports these keycodes when using ^:

    10 / 0xa,   char: ^
    50 / 0x32.  , char <.   or    char | when pressed together with cmd key

    on the server I’m check which keycodes arrive:


    KeyRelease event, serial 44, synthetic NO, window 0x2a00001,

    root 0xf2, subw 0x0, time 3339982390, (-234,-294), root:(1675,661),

    state 0x0, keycode 49 (keysym 0xfe52, dead_circumflex), same_screen YES,

    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5e) “^”

    XFilterEvent returns: False

    KeyPress event, serial 44, synthetic NO, window 0x2a00001,

    root 0xf2, subw 0x0, time 3340034238, (60,-16), root:(1969,939),

    state 0x0, keycode 49 (keysym 0xfe52, dead_circumflex), same_screen YES,

    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (5e) “^”

    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:

    XFilterEvent returns: True


    so, in both cased I’m getting keycode 49.

    That is my environment:

    pvxg0068:/usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes> setxkbmap -query -v 10

    Setting verbose level to 10

    locale is C

    Trying to load rules file ./rules/evdev…

    Trying to load rules file /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev…


    Applied rules from evdev:

    rules:      evdev

    model:      evdev

    layout:     de

    Trying to build keymap using the following components:

    keycodes:   evdev+aliases(qwertz)

    types:      complete

    compat:     complete

    symbols:    pc+de+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)

    geometry:   pc(pc104)

    rules:      evdev

    model:      evdev

    layout:     de

    Can anybody show me, what has to be chage to get <,> and |  (bar)  working ?


    Hi, I’m assuming you have the latest NoMachine packages on both sides, player and server. An issue on Mac and related to external keyboards was fixed a few releases ago.

    You can read more about it here:

    Some keys are not correctly mapped on a Macbook external keyboard

    If you are experiencing the issue on an external keyboard, the workaround is to change the following key in the player.cfg: <option key="Ignore the keyboard physical layout" value="true" />. Exit the player first, make the change, save and then reopen the player and start your connection.


    i’ve done this:


    user@KHKYQWYP29 Frameworks % cat ./scripts/etc/localhost/player.cfg


    #                                                                    #

    #  Copyright (c) 2010, 2025 NoMachine,     #

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    #  All rights reserved.                                              #

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    # Specify the path of base directory where the NX software has been

    # installed.


    PlayerRoot = “/Applications/”

    Restarted nx client on my mac

    But no effect at all.

    Both keys ^° and <>|  are sending sending keycode 49 (reported by xev)

    on my mac locally, the keycodes are (catches with key codes app):
    10/0xa for ^ and 50/0x32 for < here everything works as expected.


    It’s not clear whether you made the change to the player.cfg that was requested. On the Mac you are connecting from, look for the cfg file in .nx/config in your home directory. It’s not in the path of the application.

    Also confirm if you are using an external keyboard.


    That finally solved the issue with my external keyboard
    keya ^°   and <>|  are correctly assigned.

    Thx for your help

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