Ignore all but one network interface

Forum / NoMachine for ARM / Ignore all but one network interface

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  • #43268

    I have an ARM linux computer that I want to run NoMachine on, but when there’s multiple network interfaces, NoMachine doesn’t respond to port forwarding from the router. I can connect from my local network, but through the forwarded port I can’t.

    If I disable the other network interfaces, I can connect remotely.

    Is there any way to force NoMachine to only run on “wlan0” or only respond to requests on its local IP of “”?


    I’ve tried changing settings in node.cfg and server.cfg but I don’t think they’re working. Any old instructions I’m finding for setting things like “ListenAddress” and “SkipInterface” just aren’t working. All I want is for NoMachine on my Jetson Nano to only care about the connection on wlan0 and not even acknowledge other interfaces exist.


    Hi Steveatsws,
    I tested the “ListenAddress” key on Ubuntu 18.04 and NoMachine 8.4.2. It works as it should.
    My Ubuntu has two interfaces which have IP and I can connect to both via NoMachine.

    When I set the key in the server.cfg file:

    NXdListenAddress ""

    I saved it and restarted the Nomachine server:

    sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart

    I cannot connect to the address

    Maybe you didn’t restart Nomachine after changing server.cfg?



    That fixed the issue.

    The problem I was having is when I had two network interfaces available, and I forwarded port 4000 to one of them to access the machine from outside the network, it would work locally from inside my network, but when I try to connect from outside my network, it would give me “Connection was reset by peer” error constantly and my external IP wouldn’t be shown under the Server Status section.

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