Impossible to connect over internet

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Impossible to connect over internet

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  • #51997

    No matter what I do, the connection (over internet) attempt always fails with

    The remote host ‘nx://’ cannot be found. This issue could be caused by a wrong server address or by a hostname resolution problem. Please verify your configuration and try again.

    Of course, the address is correct  (ping works fine), the port is open in the fritzbox router, the values seem ok in server.cfg etc. But no connection. I ran out of ideas, for the moment I am back to [removed which] works without a hitch. I wanted to try NoMachine after having read good comments about it, but for now…

    I am attaching the logs of the server.


    Sorry, wrong log set attached (related to previous attempts). This is the correct one.



    hmm, strange behaviour. We can assume you have set up port-forwarding correctly. Could you uninstall, reboot. Then reinstall and reboot. Do you get the same error? If you do, we need to see debug logs from the server side computer. Please follow the instructions here and send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    Please use the title of this topic as the subject of your email. Thanks!


    Port forwarding seems to be ok, I uninstalled, rebooted, install, reboot both the server and the client: no change in behavior. Attached find the server side log (also the previous ones were from the server). Note that the command

    > %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe --debug --enable all

    in the link you mentioned does not work in Windows

    C:\Windows\System32>> %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe --debug --enable all

    ‘–debug’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    So the log were taken setting debuglevel to 7 in the cfg file. Hope this is enough. Thank you for your attention


    The command is correct when running it from a CMD prompt as administrator.
    If you are using Powershell, try & "$ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe" --debug --enable all.

    We will update the documentation for Powershell users. Raising the log level in the server.cfg will be effective from the next restart.

    Please try enabling debug again through the CLI on the server side host and reproduce the problem, then submit the logs to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.


    Probably there is a curse on my system. I would like to help in the debugging, but it seems I cannot run the cli commands. Now I get the error “access denied” on the administrator cmd terminal  and the message “This app can’ t run on your pc. To find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher”. I am running plain vanilla Windows 11, so I don’t understand what is going wrong here. And this is the answer of Powershell


    PS C:\Users\ganda> & “$ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe” –debug –enable all

    Program ‘nxserver.exe’ failed to run: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.At

    line:1 char:1

    + & “$ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe” –debug –en …

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

    At line:1 char:1

    + & “$ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE\NoMachine\nxserver\nxserver.exe” –debug –en …

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (:) [], ApplicationFailedException

        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandFailed


    What am I doing wrong?



    Hmm, are you able to access and zip up the VAR folder and send it to us? (C:\ProgramData\NoMachine\…)


    There you go. I don’t know if it is important, but I had to copy the folder VAR to another location to compress it, since trying to compress in place (i.e. in c :\program data\…) resulted in Access denied. There are two zip files, because of the size limit exceeded.

    Again thank you for your interest.


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