Improve blurriness

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Improve blurriness

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  • #24854


    I’m connecting from Windows Client to another Remote Windows Machine running the Enterprise version.

    Everything is fast and stable no doubt.

    the only issue i have is that the remote machine fonts are SUPER blurry.

    The settings are set to maximum quality, but no help, its still very very blurry.

    How can i improve sharpness to be in level of Windows RDP or close to that?


    Thanks for an awesome product.




    aren’t fonts progressively refined? Or do they stay blurred? In the last case, please send a screenshot showing the problem.

    In the meanwhile, you can try to check the ‘Disable multi-pass display encoding’ option in the Display settings.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.