Eugene, the logs were incomplete. We need them from the computer which you are connecting to, the server side and the debug logs from the client-side computer you are connecting from. Please follow the instructions from this document on the computer you are connecting to (the server side):
First Step: Enable Debug Level on the Problematic Host
I will paste it here:
To enable debug on Windows, open a CMD console as administrator and move to the ‘bin’ folder under the NoMachine installation, e.g:
cd %ProgramFiles(x86)%\NoMachine\bin
nxserver --debug --enable all
Second Step: Connect and Reproduce the Problem
Be sure that the Don’t delete log files on exit checkbox is selected in the client user’s interface in the Settings -> Security panel of your client-side computer.
Third Step: Create the Log Archive
cd %ProgramFiles(x86)%\NoMachine\bin nxserver --debug --collect
The log archive is named as: (e.g. and stored in: %PROGRAMDATA%/NoMachine/var/log/archives on Windows 10, 8.x, 7 and Vista or in Documents and Settings/All Users/NoMachine/var/log/archives Windows XP.
Send both sets of logs as attachments to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Thanks!