MacOS Sequoia issues

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    None of my local network computers are displaying after the upgrade. Anyone have luck yet?


    Seems to be local issue with the new Sequoia update. Attempted to run NM on parallels and it failed miserably. I have a hunch that Apple changed the workings of how apps request access and something isn’t meshing with NM anymore. Hope a fix comes soon! Still love the product!


    Hi, macOS Sequoia is available as a Preview only (and just out less than 24 hours ago), so there could be some further updates still from the Apple developers before they release the final stable version. Thanks for reporting, we will be testing ourselves as well in the meantime. Can you provide more details about how NoMachine failed with Parallels?


    Hi, I’m encountering the same issue.  If there’s anything I can do to help you folks investigate, I’m happy to help.


    I can confirm that the MacOs V15 beta (Sequoia) breaks compatibility with the player, at least. No remote locations appear on the network, although I have other computers on the network running linux/mac sonoma that see the Sequoia computer just fine.  When I attempt to manually create a connection from the Sequoia to a local network location, I get an error about a route not being found.  SSH option yields the same message.  However, the target machine is 100% accessible.


    Dear macOS Users,

    Sequoia must be out of beta status before we can consider adding it to our list of supported platforms (and of course, first we have to conduct rigorous testing). At the moment we are aware of some issues with permissions. It is possible that incompatibilities with this beta will be fixed when Apple officially releases it for production. Please bear in mind that NoMachine cannot officially support pre-release (beta) versions of operating systems. Such pre-releases are made by those operating systems for trial and testing purposes only. We do of course accept bug reports from users who are testing with these pre-release versions as we strive to make sure we are compatible at the time of the general release of supported operating systems. We cannot guarantee any compatibility with these pre-release versions as much of the software changes dramatically during the pre-release cycle.

    See here for our policies about beta versions:


    Thanks for the info. That’s pretty standard with betas. I believe the community, whom likes using the product, was attempting to voice the same confirmation of the issue. The intent of this post was to make the issue aware to the NM team so we could maybe(?) get a fix, sooner or later. Or who knows, maybe it was user error. Glad to know it is not a single issue or user error that can be corrected. I look forward to updates of all kinds, from both sides.


    Any issues in the production-ready Sequoia will become Trouble Reports, which we’ll publish, and they will of course be fixed  🙂


    Add me to the list of those having an issue in Sequoia.

    I am able to connect with 3 Macs on the Lan, and 2 Raspberry Pis via WAN, but cannot seem to get local Pi on LAN – try to ADD, but never asks for password and says that LAN IP not available …

    But I discovered a useable workaround! In ~/Documents/NoMachine/ I found a file named PiName.nxs – double-clicking that brings up the LAN Pi screen! Left over there from the former Sonoma volume that was copied as a volume for Sequoia.

    However it does not add the Pi LAN connection onto the Main Window of the NoMachine program ….


    Solution/workaround is a typical execute from terminal and you’ll get the nxplayer to allow access to the local network popup.

    Open terminal in an admin account and input this:


    You should get the privacy popup for allow local network access. Click allow.


    You, Sir or Madam have made my day!!!

    Worked perfectly!


    On Sequoia 15.0 Beta (24A5327a) with NoMachine 8.13.1,

    The Terminal approach worked for me just ONCE.

    After that, my prior trick of using the  PiName.nxs file no longer works.

    “No route to the network or to the host ‘’ was found. The issue could either be caused by a wrong server address or by a networking problem. Please verify your connection and try again.”

    Yet, when operating from a different Mac Mini under Catalina, and NoMachine 8.11.3, that Pi is accessible on the LAN as always.

    Very strange!


    Hello n6ac,

    Please try the following: enable “NoMachine” in the “Local Network” section that you’ll find in “Privacy & Security”, and log in again, to load the options.

    Let us know if it works !



    Changing that setting seems to do nothing on my end. I could be wrong. The terminal command is needed anytime networks are switched, or if NoMachine is quit.


    @Bilbotine – Thanks for the suggestion. But, I find that is already checked. Even tried off/on, but still no go.

    So strange since my original workaround was fine until I tried munkiman4u’s method.

    And everything is fine on the nearby Catalina Mac.

    And, I am able to share screen of another Raspberry Pi a mile away via WAN from Sequoia.

    Color me puzzled …

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