Missing menu bar

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Missing menu bar

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  • #22575

    Hi, I have two machines, both running Linux Mint 18.3 and neither of them has a Menu Bar in NM.

    Free version NoMachine 6.7.6_11amd64.deb installed.

    Have uninstalled and reinstalled NM from a fresh download but no difference.  Problem is the same whichever way I connect (A-B or B-A)

    Physical display in both cases, Mint Cinnamon desktop on both.

    Earlier versions worked correctly but reinstall of Mint required reinstall of NM probably with a newer version.

    Log files attached


    It’s not clear from what you’ve written what is actually missing. Can you send us a screenshot of the weird behaviour you are seeing?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.