Mouse moving with screen on NoMachine

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Mouse moving with screen on NoMachine


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  • #46286

    Where I work there can be several people using one NoMachine session at a time. We’ve encountered a weird problem though, when someone is scrolling (i.e on a document) and another user switches to that NoMachine session using the shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+arrow key (either left or right)) the screen zooms in and the mouse pointer dictates how the screen moves. For example if the mouse moves to the right the entire screen moves to the right with it. Is this a common problem and how can I fix it?


    Hi, can you tell us the Linux distro and desktop environment of the Linux server?


    The Linux distro is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the desktop environment of the Linux server is XFCE.


    This is the expected behaviour. I would suggest use the “view only” option for users who shouldn’t use events in that specific moment. Then you can change dynamically from view only to allowing control.

    When user 1 on client 1 presses Alt on one machine and then another User 2 from client 2 scrolls, the result is that the picture zooms. This is because in version 8 NoMachine separates (and “arbitrates”) remote events from local events, but all remote events are considered coming from the same device. In version 9 we will add separation (precedence) between remote events coming from different connections.

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