NoMachine – 8.8.1
Windows 10 22H2
After the machine is rebooted, the server service is running (TCP port 4000 open on machine) but I can’t connect…
If I do nxserver –restart on the machine, then I can connect…
Log entries after reboot of interest:
11 13:45:24 984.638 NXSERVER WARNING! NXRedis: command line ‘command=hmset,service=db,key=debugusers,field=NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,value=NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\n’ cannot contain spaces.
7584 7584 2023-08-11 13:45:24 984.638 NXSERVER WARNING! NXRedis: Sending command ‘command=hmset,service=db,key=debugusers,field=NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,value=NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\n’ aborted.
7808 7808 2023-08-11 13:46:16 764.158 NXNODE WARNING! NXRunner –monitor PID handle closed.
7808 7808 2023-08-11 13:46:16 764.158 NXNODE ERROR! nxexec –monitor failed to start.
7808 7808 2023-08-11 13:46:18 826.588 NXNODE ERROR! Timeout while waiting data on handlers: NXLocalSession::callbackIfLogoutOrLockScreenNeeded
7808 7808 2023-08-11 13:46:18 826.588 NXNODE ERROR! Did not receive answer if we should logout or lock screen.
So, I created a task scheduler job to run 1 minute after the machine starts up… this job runs nxserver –restart
And that works around the problem… Why is the additional restart of nxserver necessary?