Never resize remote screen

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Never resize remote screen

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  • #47843

    Is there are way to setup NoMachine (maybe on the server end?) such that it *never* resizes the remote screen?  Even though I always set the client to 1:1 pixels and fullscreen (I have the same model of screen at work and at home), the client never seems to remember this setting, and when it initially connects it resizes the remote screen to match the local screen, and moves all my windows around.  So then after I log in, I have to go in and resize all my windows to the way they were before.  Not a huge deal, but it gets annoying after you’ve had to do it dozens of times…

    Thanks in advance,

    Adam Taylor



    you can change PhysicalDesktopMode 1 in the /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg file

    extracted part from the server.cfg file with explanation what each mode is doing:

    # Set the interaction level for the session connected to the physical
    # desktop:
    # 0: View-only. The session is connected to the desktop in
    #    view-only mode, i.e. the user can't interact with the
    #    physical desktop.
    # 1: Restricted. User connected to the physical desktop can
    #    interact with the desktop except for resize operations.
    # 2: Interactive. User connected to the physical desktop has
    #    full interaction with the desktop.
    #PhysicalDesktopMode 2

    fisherman: Thank you for the suggestion, I will try that!  Sounds like exactly what I was looking for…



    This seems to work perfectly!  Thank you!

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