We have a large deployment of Windows and Mac systems running NoMachine Server. On the Windows side, it is a mix of Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, and Windows 10. Various graphics cards (typically integrated graphics or Nvidia cards, various driver versions). On the Macs I don’t get the issue I’m writing about now.
On any of these Windows stations, occasionally an operator will report that they are unable to access the system via NoMachine. They can authenticate through the NoMachine client, but then get the message “<No available desktops on this server>”. We can still RDP into the station and things look fine, as far as I can tell. I try restarting the NoMachine service but that typically does not fix the issue, and I usually need to reboot the system for it to be fully accessible via NoMachine again.
I don’t immediately see anything in the Windows logs that are obvious red flags.
I realize this is a very broad issue, but where can I start to troubleshoot this? It’s driving me (and my operators) crazy.