Are you sure if you ware able to connect before update? If there wasn’t any changes with router configuration you should be still able to connect there.
Can you check if there is EnableUPnP NX
set in the node.cfg file? You can find it in InstallationDirectory/NoMachine/etc/ folder and edit as text file. If there is “none” value or it is commented out (line is beginning with # char) – you need set there “NX” value or uncomment key (delete # from line beginning). Then restart nxserver (click on NoMachine icon on the system tray -> Show the service status -> Restart the nxserver)
If this is not the case, please open cmd as an administrator, navigate to InstallationDirectory/NoMachine/bin and execute command nxserver --upnpstatus
. It should print External IP and port which you should use to connect.