No image if monitor is plugged on Raspberry Pi

Forum / NoMachine for Raspberry Pi / No image if monitor is plugged on Raspberry Pi

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  • #39147

    I was having an issue with very slow response with NoMachine on Raspberry Pi. I found this post and it helped xevilmax stated after making the adjustments all was working well with or without a monitor. For me it works well headless but I no longer get an image if I plug the monitor in. Any suggestions to get the monitor working again?

    Also, he stated:

    #Open configs
    sudo nano /boot/config.txt
    #Disable Hardware acceleration (may be useful only if you are sure to have always monitor attached)

    #Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

    But I did not find anything regarding hardware acceleration in my /boot/config.txt. Is this just due to an OS difference?

    I am running 5.15.32-v7l+ on 32 bit Raspberry Pi 4


    According to the RPi documentation – dtoverlay option requests the firmware to load a named Device Tree overlay – a configuration file that can enable kernel support for built-in and external hardware (

    Try to set the older driver:


    and let us know if you see the difference.


    rfemali3, it’s not clear if your topic is about slow response or no image. Which problem are you actually experiencing. I understand that as a headless Linux, NoMachine works well. We have just verified to make sure.

    Kroy has been kind and looked in the Rpi documentation for you for some tips. But I think that your question is more appropriate for the RPi forums perhaps because your configuration is not the standard manufacturer’s one.



    The original issue was slow response. I employed the fix I listed and the slowness is rectified, but I can only run headless. I get no image if I plug the monitor in.


    What monitor are you actually attaching? What distro is installed on the Raspberry? And did you try the suggestion provided by Kroy? Ultimately, we can look at the logs of a remote connection, player and server sides to verify what’s happening. Send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    Instructions are here:

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.