Hello, after installing NoMachine version 7.12.1 and renting the Mac mini i5 2.5GHz Dual Core 16GB RAM 500GB SSD option on the [removed] site all is working for the moment but i’m only faced with the sound problem because nothing comes out. The youtube videos are silent and in logic pro no sound but on the other hand I can see that there is activity at the level of the vu-meter of the channels. I have Realteck audio device by default on my PC. I tested several options but nothing changed. Thanks for your advices.
Nom de l’appareil:DESKTOP
Processeur: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.60 GHz
Mémoire RAM installée 16,0 Go
Type du système Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64
Édition Windows 10 Professionnel
Version 22H2
Installé le 17/12/2023
Build du système d’exploitation 19045.4170
Expérience :Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19054.1000.0