No sound on server hardware ‘line out’

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / No sound on server hardware ‘line out’

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by paai.
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  • #30761

    I have a NoMachine server  running on a Linux Kubuntu 18.04 machine. The lineout is connected to line-out and an amplifier and for years this has functioned well.

    After a crash and a new installation of the Linux machine, and presumably a newer NoMachine version- Version 6.12.3 with player 5.3.29, (same versions on the client for NoMachine and Kubuntu) , I can get no sound either on the client or from the lineout connector from the server when connected with NoMachine.

    If I start X  on the server itself and play music from it, everything works fine.

    If I start pavucontrol on the client, there are only ‘simultaneous’ and NoMachine channels available under ‘output devices’.  Under ‘hardware output devices’ no devices are found.

    Of course I have unchecked ‘Mute audio on the server’. Also I tried to find a solution on this forum, but the configuration of pulseaudio and NoMachine are too complicated for me.

    Is there a ‘configuration for dummies’ that can help me to tame pulseaudio and NoMachine, so that at least sound will come from the lineout on the server?

    Thank you



    There should be no need for advanced configuration. But sometimes Linux complicates things for the users. Please install the latest version 7 on both client and server. Then tell us if you are still having issues.


    @britgirl. After reinstalling the server (the Linux server) things worked again.

    I use Linux since 1993 and from my point of view the userfriendliness has not improved. as ”mean and lean” has been replaced by ” as bloated as the next system”. Ah well, that is evolution. In any case, I use NX since the beginning and let me thank NoMachine again and again and again for making their system available for the home user.


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