No Windows screen lock when NoMachine client on foreground

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / No Windows screen lock when NoMachine client on foreground

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  • #52127

    In our company, IT has configured the Windows 11 laptops so that the screen is locked automatically after a few minutes of inactivity.

    I have noticed though that when I have a NoMachine Enterprise client (latest version) open and it is on the foreground/active, then the Windows screen is never locked.

    What is the reason for that? Is there any setting in NoMachine that affects this behavior?


    Is the session in fullscreen when you encounter this? When the session runs in fullscreen mode, NoMachine disables the display sleep timer in order to offer users a more comfortable experience (such as when streaming media). There’s a key that should regulate this. In .nx/config/player.cfg, can you edit the key “Turn off energy saving while in fullscreen mode” to false? Does this help?


    Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it but it did not help.

    It also happens when not in fullscreen mode.


    Apologies, I didn’t point out that this is a global setting, and requires you to exit the Player first (Quit the player from the system tray !M icon), make the requested change and save, then re-open the Player. Can you try again?

    We’re investigating it our side as well in the meantime.


    Tried, no success…


    We’ve not been able to reproduce this behaviour. Are you sure there are no other factors influencing the missing screen lock? Is it affecting just your computer or other Win11 computers?

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