We’d like administrator of a group of machines to add them as nodes to an ECS used by many other independant groups, by using inverse connection way.
If I well understand, I have to declare this admin user as a “!M admin” on the ECS (and on nodes).
$ sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --useredit USERNAME --administrator yes
If he has sysadmin rights on nodes, no need to give him !M admin rights on nodes, isn’t it ?
How to specify he is only administrator of a specified group of nodes ?
We want him to be allowed to add, modify, remove nodes only on ECS for his group.
We don’t want him to modify anything else on the shared ECS ?
ECS must have a central administration except for nodes management by local admins of each group of nodes.
Is it possible ?
Please could you give us the different steps to give minimum rights on ECS to local admins of each group of nodes ?
Thanks !