I’ve hit a brickwall with this configuration: nomachine_7.9.2_1 on 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye
A clean installation of bullseye 2022-04-04 proceeds correctly.
I’ve tried the 64bit (~800Mb) and the 32bit (~2.5Gb) versions of bullseye
I can do ALL the required steps – ‘new’ username (we frown on the username ‘pi’ apparently these days), config the display to remove (or even keep) the black margins, etc etc.
I can assign new hostnames and get asked to reboot… ALL the usual stuff you can do installing an OS onto RPi.
BUT the moment I try to install nomachine armhf onto the OS that has armhf, the install completes, and reboot takes me into a black screen, never to return…
I’ve tried this on an 8Gb RPi4 and a 4Gb RPi4.
SD cards are either Samsung 64Gb or Lexar 32Gb cards.
I’d prefer to believe I’m doing something wrong rather than “it doesn’t work”, but right now, tbh, I think “it doesn’t work”.
I use NoMachine on Windows, Linux and RPi3’s and 4’s, but Bullseye seems to have scuppered it.
Any other troubleshooting suggestions ?
Attached : Picture of a large black rectangle 😉