I have VPS on CentOs 8 Stream, and use it from remote Fedora 39. Both use pipewire. CentOs does not have physical sound card.
I load dummy sound by add /etc/modules-load.d/vsound.cfg with sbnd-dummy in it. Now I have sound devices on CentOs
I setup pipewire-utils at Centos, and have pw-cli here (NoMachine need it to detect pipewire). I set UDPPort 4800-4999 in server.cfg on CentOs. I open incoming connection to these ports on the side of CentOs (was it necessary ? What ports may be open for incoming connections on client and server ?)
Anyway, I do not listen any sound from server on my client Fedora. Also I try to intercept 4800-4999 UDP port range at CentOs. It is no any packets on it`s, then I try to play any sound at CentOs server.
What is wrong ?