NoMachine connecting through WAN

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / NoMachine connecting through WAN

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  • #50643

    Router: TP-Link M7350

    Server OS: Linux Mint 21.3

    Client OS: iOS iPhone

    When I connect through the IP 192… it works flawlessly. However when I try to connect outside of the LAN. This case IP starting with 10 and a different port. It doesn’t work. I’ve checked my settings in the router and on the UPnP and both ports that I’ve forwarded on the GUI of the server are displayed on the routers settings page. I’m unsure on what’s missing. Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you


    What NoMachine message are you seeing when you connect?

    Did you already take a look at the guide here? ?


    It’s giving me a time out message, “a connection timeout has occurred to connect to “” on port “27112”. I’ve checked the IPs in the server status on the client machine I’m trying to connect to. Two addresses for 192… and 1 IP for 10.231…

    Checked my router settings and for UPnP and it automatically shows up on the list upon server startup. Correct external port and correct internal LAN IP


    Is it possible you have a double NAT (if your IP address that you are using to connect does not match what is showing on, it could be an indication of two routers)? UPnP doesn’t support the double NAT scenario, so you would need to enable port-forwarding on both routers.

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