NoMachine crashes on Ubuntu 18.04

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / NoMachine crashes on Ubuntu 18.04

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  • #27105

    He there.

    I have a NoMachine server installed on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and client on Windows 10.

    From time to time Server crashes, I enabled debug log, but still do not have any ideas why it happens. I just see that session was closed with error code 11…

    Any ideas? Did someone have the same issue?

    thing is

    I added log file to the topic.

    NoMachine Server/Client  – Version 6.9.2

    Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.0.0-1032-azure Architecture: x86-64

    Thank you!




    Hi, please submit the server side logs which didn’t attach to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com making sure you reference the title of your topic in the subject of your email. I extracted the partial excerpt of log that you included in your topic as a separate txt file because it was quite long. What we need is the complete set of server-side logs.





    thank you!

    I added all the logs files.

    So the nxserver log was pretty huge I added just logs on the moment of the crash.

    The crash happened on April 29 at 14:09, the session was closed my server, and next user connected again at 14:50.

    thank a lot for any help.


    There were some errors, possibly because the files are too big (there is a limit to the size of the file that can be attached). Please send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.


    Agent logs are missing. We would need the whole content of the ‘var/log’ dir of the server host.

    Please check for core files. If found, you should follow the instructions here:

    If there is no core file but you can find a crash report in the ‘/var/crash’ dir, you can use the instructions provided in this forum post:

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.