NoMachine hangs when entering small dialogs in IntelliJ IDEA

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / NoMachine hangs when entering small dialogs in IntelliJ IDEA

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  • #7529

    NX 4.6 Workstation, connecting from Mac to Ubuntu 14.04

    When I open IntelliJ IDEA (ultimate 14.1.3) everything works smoothly until I open certain dialogs Edit Configurations… is one. I see a blank dialog opening, then everything stops responding; no input, no screen updates. I have to kill the whole session and connect again.

    I wonder if anyone here is using intellij successfully over NX without problems.


    Hello, I’ve just tried IDEA 14.1.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 and the Edit Configurations dialog shows no issue.

    Could you provide more details (is it virtual desktop, physical session, single application?). If possible, please gather log files as described:

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