NoMachine logfiles taking up disk space

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / NoMachine logfiles taking up disk space

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  • #49433

    I have the NoMachine service running on my personal desktop PC and it’s taking up hundreds of gigabytes of disk space. Is there any way to either prevent this from happening or to automatically clear them?

    The folders taking up massive amounts of disk space are:

    • %userprofile%\.nx
    • %programdata%/NoMachine/var/log

    I’ve manually deleted a bunch of the M-* and R* from the .nx folder and the largest folders in the log/nodes directory but was wondering if there’s a way to just let it not use up this much space?


    Check that you have not configured NoMachine to keep logs in both the Player and Server settings to start off with (Settings > Player > Security and Settings > Server > Security. Generally, you enable logs when you need to reproduce a problem and then analyse the logs, but you should disable them afterwards.

    A large number of M-* and R* could be an indication of something crashing and it would be a good idea to send us an example of what you have, so we can check them. You’ve deleted them now, but if they continue to grow, please submit some examples.



    Thanks for the reply. I am not seeing any options for logs within Security on either Player or Server. The only related option I can see on the player side is “Don’t delete log files on exit” which is unchecked.

    Server > Status has an option for Server logs, which had been set to 6 – Standard. I changed that to 3 – Error.

    For the M-* and R-* within the .nx folder, my issue wasn’t so much that there were a lot of folders there, but that a few of them had ballooned in size. The largest folder was taking up ~240GB of disk space and a number of other folders were in the ~30GB range.


    So the logs are not enabled. Just to clarify, the security section of the Player has an option to enable/disable logs using the checkbox. The Server logs are in Server Status, apologies for that.

    So all those entries you are noticing are being triggered by some other event. ~240GB of disk space and folders occuping ~30GB should not be happening. As I said, please submit some samples if it starts happening again.

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