NoMachine on Apple Vision Pro (AVP)

Forum / General Discussions / NoMachine on Apple Vision Pro (AVP)

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  • #49320

    I am wondering if there are any plans to allow NoMachine to be used on the Apple vision Pro?  Even the iPad version would be great. However when I search on the AVP for NoMachine it does not even show up under the iPad compatible apps.


    At the moment we don’t have plans to add support for AVP. It’s an interesting use-case but a rather niche one.


    I realise this could be a niche Use Case, but have you tried to see if the existing iPad version will work unaltered in iPad emulation mode (as many apps seem to do) on the Vision Pro?   If it would that could mean you do not need to provide a Vision Pro specific version until you decide there is sufficient demand to justify the effort.

    At the moment the App Store seems to be set up so that it cannot even be loaded as an iPad compatible app.   I would be willing to test this out if you do not have a Vision Pro of your own to test it on.


    Hi. We’ve already opted-in the App Store option to make the iPhone/iPad app available on Vision Pro, but right now the app is reported as not compatible and thus not available on the Store for Vision Pro.
    Even if there are no explicit reasons explaining why the app is not compatible, we’re close to run a TestFlight of our next release candidate, which includes some updated App Store requirements that may address the compatibility issues. I can’t still tell you when the new app will be available, but I’ll be grateful if you can report your experience in this thread when the app will be released and you can test it.


    Thanks for the feedback.  I will  look periodically to see if the app appears under the compatible apps section on the Vision Pro App store.

    As I said if at any point you want me to help with testing something out I am more than willing to help.  I have various other apps I help test via Testflight if that makes a difference.

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