NoMachine suddenly closes by itself

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / NoMachine suddenly closes by itself

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  • #19540


    I was using NoMachine on Windows to connect to NoMachine server installed in my Debian machine. Everything was working fine until i plugged the Debian machine in another compartment of the house connected only with RJ-45 cable. No HDMI output.

    Now when i try to connect NoMachine suddenly closes by itself, no message or error. I don’t find many info on the internet about this, i only found this: but as far i understand, it’s related to the server crash and in my situation, the client apparently crashes, not the server on Debian.

    The client I’m using in Windows is the latest one 6.2.4.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Britgirl.

    Very strange. Are you connecting from a connection visible in your recent connections panel? Do you get the same behaviour if you click New and start a new connection?

    You could check in the logs of your Windows PC to see if there are any error messages. A sudden termination of the NoMachine programs would generate nxtrace.log, which are placed in the %PROGRAMDATA%/NoMachine/var/log/ folder. NoMachine Player logs you can find in home directory – inside .nx/R-* folder. Look for the errors in session text file.

    If you send us the compressed both directories with logs, we can check for you. Send it to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com



    Thank you for your response and support, I’ll get the logs as soon as i can. Yesterday I did some tests and I found the problem but not how to resolve it.

    I bought a new monitor, it’s Alienware AW3418DW(widescreen) with a max resolution 3440×1440. The Debian machine was before connected to this monitor via HDMI, while the Windows PC was also connected to this monitor with a Display cable. I was able to connect from the windows to the Debian and use the max resolution 3440×1440 with the option full screen + fit screen. Now that I moved the Debian the living room without connecting it to a monitor, every time I try to connect to it the max display I get by default in NoMachine client in Windows is 1920×1080, when I select custom resolution 3440×1440 is when the client closes a few seconds later. It also doesn’t apply the resolution requested, I checked this before it closed automatically.

    I did a reset of the preferences and  tried a custom resolution of 1920×1080 with fit screen + fit window and everything worked fine. NoMachine didn’t close.
    Another thing is the resolution bar, it’s inactive, I can’t move it.

    Using 1920×1080 in this monitor feels to big, everything is gigantic. Is there a way to turn the problem around to be able to use the max resolution of the monitor ?

    With thanks and regards


    After unplugging the display, the system may use only one resolution. Can you make sure if in the system settings there are any other resolutions available?

    Can you also send NoMachine logs from /usr/NX/var/log/node directory from server side? Please edit /usr/NXetc/node.cfg and uncomment and change key: SessionLogClean 0, then restart nxserver (sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart) and reproduce problem. Send also .xsession-errors file from home directory. All files please send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    As a workaround you can run a virtual desktop session if you have a Terminal Server version installed. If you have the free NoMachine version you can try to run in headless mode. When the local X server cannot be found, NoMachine is able to use its own display service (that is an embedded X server) to let users connect seamlessly to a physical desktop running in the background on the remote machine.



    Thanks for logs, but unfortunately we need need a new set of client and server logs which match.

    Can you check if SessionLogClean is still set on 0 on the server side?

    Then, on client machine: please open the NoMachine Player -> navigate to the Settings -> Privacy -> and check “Don’t delete log files on exit” -> Done.

    You can also remove any old nxtrace.log.

    After that reproduce the problem and send: from the client side: compressed .nx/R-* directories and %PROGRAMDATA%/NoMachine/var/log/nxtrace.log; and from server side: compressed /usr/NX/var/log folder and .xsession-errors which should be in the home directory.


    Hi Kroy,

    It’s weird  but i’m unable to reproduce the problem. The client doesn’t close itself anymore and i don’t know why but it’s a good thing however, i still have the issue of resolution.

    I can not change the resolution in the client unless the server is connected to a monitor and even if it is, the only resolution i can have in the client is the one from the monitor where the server is connected. I tried this by connecting the Debian to  a 55cm TV.

    Is there a way use the widescreen monitor resolution 3440×1440 without the server being connected to a screen ?

    With thanks and regards,



    As a workaround you can run a virtual desktop session if you have a Terminal Server version installed. If you have the free NoMachine version you can try to run in headless mode. When the local X server cannot be found, NoMachine is able to use its own display service (that is an embedded X server) to let users connect seamlessly to a physical desktop running in the background on the remote machine.

    Did you follow Kroy’s suggestion above?

    The maximum resolution you can get is the maximum resolution supported by the remote graphics card. Please read here for more information:

    Cannot resize the remote screen to my local monitor’s resolution

    You could try turning off the display manager on the server host in your case:

    sudo systemctl stop gdm

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.