I am trying to connect to a Kali “Debian 4.0.4-1+kali2 (2015-06-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux” VM using NoMachine ver 5.1.24. I can connect fine, but if I leave the connection open overnight I cannot connect the next day. The socket is open and accepting connections. If I reboot the VM I can then connect using NoMachine. In the logs these are the last few messages.
node localhost:4000 yes
node limit no
NX> 105 Attachsession –link=”5″ –backingstore=”1″ –encryption=”1″ –cache=”16M” –images=”64M” –shmem=”1″ –shpix=”1″ –composite=”1″ –audioin=”5\0725\072opus\072\0721″ –voiceout=”5\07211\072speex\072\0721″ –volume=”0″ –audiomute=”1″ –render=”1″ –slave=”1″ –session=”Connection\04520to\04520128.107.35.243″ –type=”physical-desktop” –geometry=”N\057A” –keyboard=”evdev\057en_US” –client=”winnt” –save=”0″ –load=”0″ –silence=”0″ –multipass=”1″ –networkadaptive=”1″ –mode=”1″ –downsampling=”0″ –deblock=”1″ –tracking=”0″ –id=”22EAF19FA22E13A474FD0ED9066E052C” –display=”0″
NX> 598 ERROR: Cannot attach to local server.
NX> 595 Exception: ‘value’ for key error cannot be null
Any suggestions would be appreciated.