Nxplayer fails to open on Win10

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Nxplayer fails to open on Win10


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  • #48447

    SOLVED – the problem was in BitDefender Total Security. After uninstall everything works fine. Now I will try to add exclusions for NoMachine.

    Best regards,




    In safe mode nxplayer starts normally, after reboot it doesn’t work again.

    You also said that NoMachine works well on the other Windows computer you tried it on. So it’s something specific on that affected PC which you will have to debug. This can be done by checking the services and software (not started in safe mode) and disabling/uninstalling them one by one, and trying to open nxplayer each time. Could it possibly be an antivirus creating a false positive? It’s worth checking. The other user in this thread said Bitdefender had been preventing nxplayer from opening.


    Also with lastest version 8.12.12 I’ve same problem, nxplayer fails to open.

    Same error in two different PC.

    Same error when AVG is disabled.


    There is something you can try, it might help us to identify what could be blocking the player

    – Download Process Explorer from the Sysinternals website (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer).
    – Decompress and run the executable.
    – You will see a detailed list of all running processes along with their properties.
    – Open the File menu and select the Save item to save the list of processes.
    – Send us this list.



    I sent you two process lists by email


    Also with lastest version 8.13.1 I’ve same problem, nxplayer fails to open.

    Same error in two different PC.

    Same error when AVG is disabled.

    nxplayer run only in safe mode.


    We don’t see much difference in the processes besides the Memory Integrity being enabled only on the troublesome system. We can only assume that the differences must lie in the way the two machines are configured. Maybe monitoring to know what happens in system calls could be useful when the player starts?

    i) Download Process Monitor https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon (it doesn’t require installation)
    ii) Right-click on Procmon.exe and select “Run as administrator”
    iii) Click on “Filter” in the top menu, then “Filter…”, click “Add” and set the filter:
    * Column: Process Name
    * Relation: is
    * Value: nxplayer.bin
    iv) Click “Add” then “Apply”.
    v) Click on “File” then “Clear”
    vi) Start the NoMachine client, and let Process Monitor capture data for about 30 seconds
    vii) Click the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar to stop capturing
    viii) Click “File” in the top menu, then “Save…” (PML file)
    ix) Create also a TXT summary. Click “File” > “Export…” > “Text File”

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.