In /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg, I have set (i.e. uncommented) “DisplayBase 1001” — which should corespond to the Linux console :0. So, I would expect that running the NoMachine client would then connect to my existing console session.
- When I run NoMachine client from Windows laptop, I get a new session with DISPLAY=:1003 even though the console (:0) is logged in
- If I then logout of the DISPLAY=1003 session or pre-emptively kill the 1003 session (using /etc/NX/nxserver –terminate 1003), then I get logged into my (existing) console session with DISPLAY=:0 which is the expected behavior with DisplayBase 1001.
This behavior is confirmed by looking at /tmp/.X11-unix. After starting the nxserver service, I get new pipes labeled X1001 and X1003 (corresponding to DISPLAY=:0 and DISPLAY=:1003) corresponding to session 1001 (the console) and 1003 (the newly created session)
- Why is nxserver creating two sessions on 1001 and 1003 rather than just a single session on 1001, corresponding to my already logged-in console session?
- What do I need to do to ensure that only one session corresponding to my value of ‘DisplayBase 1001’ is created?
Note: I am running latest NoMachine 7.10.1 under Ubuntu 18.04.