To add a machine (from itself), as a node, to ECS (=inverse connection), please could you confirm that we must know the credentials of an admin user (sudo) on the ECS ?
It won’t be possible in our case because there are different admin teams:
– 1 central admin team for ECS
– 1 local admin for a business group of n machines
That means the local admin has to send to central admin n public keys of the machines of his group that have to be added as node to ECS ?
Central ECS admin will have to run this command for n public keys of nodes to add :
sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --keyadd path_to_node.localhost.id_rsa.pub
and then, local admin will be able to add his machines (nodes) to ECS, running, from each machine, this:
$ sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –serveradd IP_of_Cloud_Server –node-name NAME_of_NODE
No mean to specify IP address of the machine to add as a node, we have to be logged on it ?