To change the default desktop environment in NoMachine virtual sessions, you can replace the value in the node configuration key DefaultDesktopCommand. To do that, edit /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg
, uncomment DefaultDesktopCommand (if it’s commented) and change the value inside the quotes.
Change to KDE desktop:
DefaultDesktopCommand “/usr/bin/startkde”
Change to MATE desktop:
DefaultDesktopCommand “/usr/bin/mate-session”
There is also an other possibility: you can choose desktop between GNOME or KDE from list. To do that, edit the server configuration file. Uncommment ConnectPolicy and change the desktop value to 1. Now you can list all the desktop types set in the AvailableSessionTypes key.
Edit /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg
and change:
#ConnectPolicy autocreate=1,autoconnect=1,automigrate=1,desktop=0,dialog=0
ConnectPolicy autocreate=1,autoconnect=1,automigrate=1,desktop=1,dialog=0
But as it is mentioned – it shows GNOME and KDE. MATE is not supported with this option for the moment. You can follow our Feature Request (https://www.nomachine.com/FR09L02833) and check the ‘notify me’ box to receive a notification when the feature has been released.