Server Connection Problem

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Server Connection Problem

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  • #12638

    I cannot connect to remote system even all important setting is already in place.

    Version: Latest (downloaded 1 hour ago):nomachine_5.1.54_1_amd64.deb
    Server: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
    Target destkop: xfce4

    Machine is behind FW, but port TCP 4000 (no multimedia data) is open and tested by telnet.

    ConfigFileVersion 4.0
    SessionLogLevel 7
    DefaultDesktopCommand “/usr/bin/X11/startx”
    AvailableSessionTypes unix-remote,unix-console,unix-default,unix-application,physical-desktop,shadow,unix-xsession-default,unix-kde,unix-xdm
    EnableSmartcardSharing 0
    AudioInterface disabled
    CommandStartPulseAudio “/usr/bin/pulseaudio –high-priority=no”
    EnableCUPSSupport 0
    CUPSBinPath /usr/bin
    CUPSSbinPath /usr/sbin
    CUPSBackendPath /usr/lib/cups/backend
    EnableSMBFSSupport 0
    CommandStartKDE “/etc/X11/Xsession startkde”
    CommandFuser /bin/fuser
    CommandLsof /usr/bin/lsof
    CommandXdpyInfo /usr/bin/xdpyinfo
    CommandXmodmap /usr/bin/xmodmap
    CommandXkbComp /usr/bin/xkbcomp
    DefaultXSession “/etc/X11/Xsession default”
    ClientConnectionMethods NX,SSH
    DisplayServerThreads auto
    DisplayEncoderThreads auto
    DefaultConsole xterm

    Client output:
    Info: Starting NoMachine version 5.1.54.
    Info: Loading settings from ‘.nx/config/player.cfg’.
    Info: Loaded translation files for ‘English’.
    32115 32115 15:10:25 320.047 Main: Creating the client session.
    32115 32115 15:10:25 320.105 ClientSession: Initializing session at 0x104a660.
    32115 32115 15:10:25 436.999 ClientSession: Initialized session at 0x104a660.
    32115 32115 15:10:25 437.419 Main: Entering the GUI event loop.
    Info: Slave server running with pid 32138.
    Info: Listening to slave connections on port 58183.
    32115 32115 15:10:50 127.403 UiServerList: Removing the favorite and the connection file ‘/home/xx/Documents/NoMachine/Connection to IP.nxs’.
    32115 32146 15:10:50 127.593 ClientSettings: Could not open for reading file ‘/home/xx/Documents/NoMachine/Connection to IP.nxs’.
    32115 32115 15:10:50 131.574 ClientSettings: Ignoring missing or unreadable favavorite file ‘/home/wettej02/Documents/NoMachine/Connection to’.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 141.242 ClientSession: Starting session at 0x104a660.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 141.860 ClientSession: Going to start session ‘/home/wettej02/Documents/NoMachine/Connection to 84
    32115 32115 15:11:13 148.290 Connection: Initializing connection at 0x1461770.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 148.330 Connection: Initialized connection at 0x1461770.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 148.339 Connection: Starting connection at 0x1461770.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 148.344 ClientDaemonConnector: Starting a new connection to host ‘’ on port ‘4000’.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 148.416 Connection: Started connection at 0x1461770.
    32115 32115 15:11:13 151.471 ClientSession: Started session at 0x104a660.
    Info: Connection to port 4000 started at 15:11:13 162.503.
    Info: Connection to port 4000 closed at 15:11:15 057.281.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 057.339 Connection: WARNING! Ignoring the I/O error and waiting for the daemon error reporting.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 057.437 Connection: Connection at 0x1461770 failed.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 057.446 ClientSession: Runnable at 0x1461770 caused the session at 0x104a660 to fail.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 057.455 ClientSession: Failing reason is ‘The connection with the server was lost’.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 060.957 ClientSession: Stopping session at 0x104a660.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 064.689 Connection: Stopping connection at 0x1461770.
    Info: Slave server running with pid 32173.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 064.713 ClientDaemonConnector: Stopping the current connection.
    Info: Listening to slave connections on port 21928.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 064.889 Connection: Stopped connection at 0x1461770.
    32115 32115 15:11:15 071.899 ClientSession: Stopped session at 0x104a660.
    32115 32176 15:11:21 515.722 FileBrowser: WARNING! Could not locate kdialog.


    Can you send us the full set of logs? See the following article for instructions and send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Thanks!

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.