NoMachine 7.6.2 (both on remote & local machine)
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (remote desktop machine)
Windows 10 Pro Version : 20H2, 19042.984 OS Build (local laptop machine)
1 Physical Dell Monitor is hooked up to the ubuntu-desktop in the remote location.
When connecting to my machine 3 physical displays are shown to me. (NoMachineMultipleViews.png)
View0 mirrors what would be seen in the physical monitor when in the office. However, when clicking on the folder or terminal to launch a new window it only shows up in View 10 (View10FileExplorerTerminalView.png).
View11 looks like some virtual desktop. And it’s the only one that is usable since it allows you to launch new windows in the same view.
Why are there 3 physical views? Is there a way to get View0 to launch windows in the same view and not in the separate View10 physical screen. Is this normal behavior? Thanks again for your help.