Slow performance for Raspberry Pi 4

Forum / NoMachine for Raspberry Pi / Slow performance for Raspberry Pi 4

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    At home I have several Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers at home in various rooms and I’d love to control them with my Raspberry Pi 4.  Everything is wired via Cat6 cable (1 gigabit).   If I use NoMachine on one Windows computer to control another, it works great, but if I control the Raspberry Pi 4 with NoMachine or use it to control a Windows computer then I get maybe 10 fps. So, watching things on YouTube or doing stuff like that is out of the question. Is there anything I can do? Or is the Raspberry Pi just not fast enough for this?  When not using NoMachine the Pi handles YouTube pretty well.

    I’m not sure if its related, but I did notice that even plugging the Pi directly into my router still did not give me the speeds I was expecting when testing with  I get 100mbps up and 180mbps down. With the same cable, switch, etc on another computer I get my full ISP’s speed…a gigabit up and down.  Maybe there’s something wrong with the Pi’s ethernet? I tried WiFi and its even worse, of course.


    Hi, this is unusual.

    I’m not sure if its related, but I did notice that even plugging the Pi directly into my router still did not give me the speeds I was expecting when testing with I get 100mbps up and 180mbps down. With the same cable, switch, etc on another computer I get my full ISP’s speed…a gigabit up and down. Maybe there’s something wrong with the Pi’s ethernet? I tried WiFi and its even worse, of course.

    Can you send us the session statistics? Start a session from the RPi to a Windows computer, open the menu (Ctrl-Alt-0) and go to Connection, then click Take session statistics. (More about this is documented here: Then, for completeness, start a session from Windows to the RPi and do the same again. Zip them up and post here.

    Another thing, what distribution is the RPi4 using and what desktop environment is it?



    Distribution: Linux 5.10.103-v7l+ armv7l
    Desktop Enviornment: LXDE

    Its all freshly installed and the Raspberry Pi 4 kit I bought is called CanaKit. Its a Pi 4 with 8gb of ram.



    The logs don’t reveal anything useful to understand the slow performance.

    Please update to the latest version and then also try tweaking the quality slider and resolution sliders to see whether performance improves. See the following document for more about those: (Fig 16)

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