Forum / General Discussions / Software Update: NoMachine 5.1.40 now available
Tagged: 5.1.40, loss of mouse clicks
- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by
July 19, 2016 at 20:27 #11884
KeymasterTo all NoMachiners,
we’ve released a software update delivering a number of enhancements and usability improvements, including the introduction of WebRTC support in its Cloud Server product, thus enabling video and audio streaming when connecting to NoMachine desktops using a WebRTC-enabled browser.
The implementation of WebRTC support in browser-based remote desktop sessions has initially been released as beta and must be enabled explicitly by the administrator by editing the cloud.cfg file. With the help of a STUN/TURN server for negotiating NAT traversal, peer-to-peer WebRTC communication can be established also when the web session has to be run behind a NAT.
Consult the following articles for further instructions:
How to configure web sessions to use WebRTC to setup your own STUN/TURN server for NAT traversal complete list of features implemented in 5.1.40 are:
FR03M02896 – Adding support for WebRTC to NoMachine web sessions
FR01N03004 – Supporting H.264 encoding for custom applications and virtual desktops in X11 vector graphics mode
FR03N03081 – Giving the possibility to use keyboard shortcuts during web sessions
FR02N03037 – Automatically switching to load-balancing mode when there are no nodes available for manual selection
FR03N03074 – Forwarding Kerberos tickets to nodes even when the user doesn’t authenticate with Kerberos to NoMachine
FR04N03101 – Renaming the AgentLightweightMode configuration key to AgentX11VectorGraphics
FR04N03102 – Updating the ‘lightweight’ label in the server preferences GUI
FR04N03104 – Grouping NoMachine client windows in the Windows taskbar
FR05N03106 – Allow to configure the client to hide the main window when starting a floating window session
FR05N03112 – Letting users choose to connect to a remote node by load-balancing
FR06N03116 – Automatic switch to load-balancing mode for web sessions
FR06N03119 – Improving fullscreen on multi-monitors when Windows Managers don’t fully support EWMHFor the complete list of bug fixes, check out the software update announcement:
July 25, 2016 at 09:22 #11908sbershtein
ParticipantSomething seems to have gone awry in 5.1.40 Windows server. It’s subtle. When connected from a windows client over time mouse clicks stop being recognized on the server. I wish I had a text based window open because I could advise whether the problem involves ALL key clicks or just the L/R mouse. The problem repeated many times. Sometimes it takes an hour or two before it occurs but the nice thing (for testing) is that you don’t need to do anything at all to bring it on. Just set up the connection between two windows computers, go home, come back in the morning and you should observe the problem. I have backed the server down to 5.1.26 and all is well. (Client: 5.1.26 free on Windows 10 home, Server: 5.1.40 free on Windows 7SP1).
July 25, 2016 at 14:28 #11912Britgirl
KeymasterIdeally we would need logs from the affected remote desktop session from the upgraded installation (if that’s possible)? Instructions on how to enable debug are here: We can also prepare a debug package for you to install if you are willing to help us investigate, we’ve tried to reproduce on a replica of your set up, but to no avail.
Also, does disconnecting and reconnecting help or does the session still stay unresponsive to clicks?
Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.