Special sequences button missing

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Special sequences button missing

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  • #5440

    I just installed on a Windows 7-64 Professional and am trying to connect to a Windows Server 2008R2 machine but the Special Sequences button to send ctrl-alt-del sequence is missing so I can’t log in.  Anyone else seeing this?  Is there something special I need to enable the Special Sequences button and make it visible?

    Local – Windows 7-64 Pro

    Remote – Windows Server 2008r2



    You should do nothing special, the button must be visible when you connect to a Windows OS. We solved a similar problem in an old version, can you confirm that you’re using 4.3.30 also on Windows Server 2008R2?
    If the installed version is the same on client and server, it would be helpful if you could send client side logs to issues[at]nomachine[dot]com. You can find them in the directory %USERPROFILE%\.nx\

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.