Suddenly getting timeout

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Suddenly getting timeout

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by kroy.
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  • #14036

    I am using the free version of NoMachine.

    I have a Windows 10 client connecting to a Windows 8.1 server. I have been using it for weeks. Today, I had to reboot the server, which I have done before. But after today’s reboot, I get this error:

    Could not connect to the server.
    Error is 138: Connection timed out

    My local network always assigns the same IP to the machines, and I’ve checked that they are both unchanged and correct.
    The local network is working well, as are both machines.

    I tried rebooting both computers.

    I tried re-installing NoMachine on both… now at 5.2.11

    Still getting the timeout.

    I can ping the server from the client.
    I can see the server using Team Viewer (which I realize is an entirely different protocol and internet pathway).

    I am set up to view the physical display.

    Both computer OS are up to date with updates.

    I’d appreciate any help on how to fix this problem. I really like using NoMachine!




    Can you check if port 4000 which is using by NoMachine is opened? You can open PowerShell on client machine, execute command

    Test-NetConnection -Port 4000 -ComputerName <ip_of_nxserver> -InformationLevel Detailed

    (replace <ip_of_nxserver> with IP which you trying connect) and paste output here.

    Next thing is to check nx processes on server side. Please paste here output:

    tasklist | findstr nx.

    Can you also run debug and send logs? Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there: Please send client and server side logs to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.