Switching sharing desktop on/off from CLI

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Switching sharing desktop on/off from CLI

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  • #38736


    I haven’t physical access to desktop (I mean is very difficult) .

    Now I have remote desktop access switched off.

    Can I switch it on from ssh terminal connection?



    Yes, it can.

    From a terminal you can check with nxserver --useredit USERNAME --screensharing yes. This applies to a specific user.
    Also, in the server.cfg check that PhysicalDesktopSharing is set to ‘1’. This key applies to the whole server. Does this help?

    Just a note about this behaviour in version 8, the risk of being locked out because the “desktop shared” button was toggled to off before logging out will be mitigated: the owner will still be able to connect even if the desktop is set to “not shared”.

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