I am using the latest NoMachine program free version (https://www.nomachine.com/download/download&id=14) on two computers: mine and my friend’s. Both Windows. Mine: Windows 7, his Windows 8 (or 8.1 I do not know). I installed the newest version of the program (downloaded today) and so did my friend.
The first connection was perfect. Instant connection, everything works fine. Then my friend restarted the computer and since then I cannot connect to him due to the problem “The connection with the server was lost”. I am able to see login desktop to write the username and the password. My friend sees that I am connected, but I see only the progress animation and then the error is displayed.
What is the problem? How to fix it?
I looked into web, this forum and NoMachine materials, but I cannot find the solution.
We tried the following: My friend uninstalled the software and installed it again. I uninstalled the software, removed the nx folders in Users/My_Profile/.nx and My Documents/nx, ran the CCleaner and installed the NoMachine again, but with no success.