Hello everyone !
I’m a happy user of NoMachine since a few years, running it on different machines: PCs, Servers, RaspberryPis…
I’m encountering an issue with USB Forwarding from a Debian 10 (LXDE) – Enterprise Client (6.10.12), to a Debian 10 (LXDE) – NoMachine (6.10.12) server: when I’m connected to the remote desktop, and try to choose a USB device to forward to the server, the list of available local USB devices is empty.
But it works if I connect from a Windows 8.1 Enterprise Client.
For context:
– The nxusb.ko module is compiled, without error (it is in /usr/NX/bin/drivers/nxusb.ko), on the client and the server.
– The nxusb module is loaded without error (listed in lsmod)
When I inspect the session log on the client, I notice this error when I try to load the USB device forwarding list:
“3875 3981 08:52:44 606,568 DeviceIoUsbUnixClient: WARNING! Could not open lock file.”
I also noticed multiple errors:
“4212 4212 08:55:34 582 nxexecGetVarFromCfg: ERROR: Cannot open file ‘/usr/NX/etc/node.cfg'”
“4212 4212 08:55:34 582 ERROR: Cannot retrieve variable ‘EnableDebug’ from node.cfg.”
“4212 4212 08:55:34 582 nxexecGetVarFromCfg: ERROR: Cannot open file ‘/usr/NX/etc/server.cfg'”
“4212 4212 08:55:34 582 ERROR: Cannot retrieve variable ‘EnableDebug’ from server.cfg.”
And indeed, node.cfg and server.cfg are not in the /usr/NX/etc folder.
I’ve tried reinstalling NoMachine Enterprise Client multiple times, nothing changes.
Has anyone already encountered this issue ?
Do you know how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot