USB sharing failed

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / USB sharing failed

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  • #3690

    Using latest versions on both Windows and Mac.

    Using Windows 8.1 to connect to my iMac.

    Sharing my iPhone from windows to the Mac without any problem.

    Installed a new osx maverick on a VPS and sharing it as normal results in a failed to connect with the VPS. But it still works if I do to my imac at home. All ports and no firewall on the Mac VPS

    Any suggestions ?



    The USB redirecting should work on every system that has the capability of handling such devices. If your VPS host is, then we’d like to gather some more info about the issue. Firstly – are the Windows machines the same in both (working and not working) cases? Secondly – could you specify what you mean by “failed to connect”? Is the NoMachine GUI showing an error, or the device connects successfully, but is not shown on the remote system? And finally – could you please send us a set of logs following “How to gather node logs” and “How to gather client side logs” instructions from this article: ? An output of the following command would also be helpful:

    cat /var/log/system.log | grep usb

    Logs and output may be attached to log post or, if they are too long, sent to issues[at]nomachine[dot]com


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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.