Viewing multiple monitors on a single one

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Viewing multiple monitors on a single one

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  • #21727

    I’ve been using NoMachine for a while now, and it’s great!

    I have a physical Ubuntu machine, with a 27 inch display, which I control remotely using a Macbook pro

    I was normally working using “fit to window” mode, and on fullscreen, so the screen is smaller on the Mac that on the physical display, but I can see the entire screen.

    I recently got a second physical monitor connected to my Ubuntu machine, and I want to view both monitors, but I can’t get it to work the way I want.

    Using “fit to window”, my two screens look very narrow, and disabling it shows only a small portion of the screen, but with the right aspect ratio.

    After looking for a solution I found that if I use the ctrl button while resizing, I can get bot screens in the right aspect ratio, but then the screens are too small, since the window size is limited by the horizontal size of the Mac’s screen.

    Is there a way to use fullscreen but keep the aspect ratio, and use a horizontal scrollbar to move from side to side?





    isn’t just disabling ‘Fit to window’ doing what you want? If that’s not the case, could you explain further what behaviour you would like to achieve?



    First of all, thanks for the quick answer!

    When I disable ‘Fit to window’, I only see a small portion of the screen (about a quarter). This way I have to use the scrollbars to see different parts of the screen.

    My physical monitor’s resolution is 2560×1440, and my macbook’s resolution is 2560×1600, so I’d expect it to be a relatively good fit, but for some reason I only see a quarter of the screen. Do you somehow take into account the physical size of the screen? My physical monitor is 27 inch while my MacBook’s is 13 inch.




    I assume you have a Retina display on your Macbook and so it could depend on the scaling settings of the display. Could you attach a screenshot of your Display system preferences?

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