We are connecting in floating window mode to an NX server (CentOS) to run Cadence applications. When displaying simulation waveform data, the client will randomly close with the error log
Module: C:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine Enterprise Client\bin\nxclient.bin pid 77220
Thread: 44768 exception 0xc0000005, ‘Access violation’
In: C:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine Enterprise Client\bin\libpixman.dll at 0x637d4f74
Error: Invalid write to address 0x0
#0 0x637d4f74 libpixman.dll(pixman_implementation_create_mmx)
#1 0x6371f589 libpixman.dll(pixman_implementation_fill)
#2 0x63542811 libpixman.dll(pixman_fill)
#3 0x6ae9539f libnxdifb.dll(fbFill)
#4 0x7784d606 ntdll.dll(RtlFreeHeap)
#5 0x76277409 msvcrt.dll(free)
#6 0x6ae95f90 libnxdifb.dll(fbPolyFillRect)
#7 0x678c150d libnxc.dll
#8 0x778687d4 ntdll.dll(RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath)
#9 0x778687a4 ntdll.dll(RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath)
The session on the server side is not affected — simply re-opening the session brings back all windows (albeit pixelated until they are redrawn).